Women’s Entrepreneurship Day
What is entrepreneurship to me?
It’s about finding your ✨spark✨, one day at a time.
It’s about Connecting, Creating, and Celebrating.
It’s about helping others tap back into their creative mind to solve problems the world has come to accept as the norm or too broken to fix.
It’s about bringing the world exactly what you know it needs. And kicking ass at it.
Impact Is Often Impromptu
People often talk about the Disney Difference, but until you experience it, it may sound like a bunch of "princess and fairy tale nonsense" {as a friend once quipped}. Moments like our recent one sailing with Disney Cruise Line are what more organizations of all sizes need to realize cost nothing {yes, correct, $0}, yet mean absolutely everything. It's been a long week and a little levity can serve us all well, so what better time to reflect on this moment.
Inner Monologue & Organizational Prosperity
Do you have an inner voice/monologue?
Many people aren’t aware of the unique ways of thinking and how the knowledge of how people process and organize thoughts can positively impact the collaboration and innovation within your organization.
What is your way of thinking? What is your superpower?
Make NF Visible
It's World NF Day! Patients like JJ, whose NF is invisible, struggle to make others understand. Likewise, patients with visible signs of NF struggle to be seen as more than just their NF. Make NF Visible is about seeing NF, and seeing the person living with it.
Don’t Forget the Little Things
Over focus on details that others tend to under focus. Even if 10% of your clients/customers/staff notice, they will recognize the care and diligence you take in “the little things”. That attentiveness will generate some of your biggest advocates.
When Crisis Hits, Changes Abound
The day started with a lockdown. It ended with one student deceased, two in custody, and countless broken hearts.
There are so many heartbreaking details to the situation and countless questions, but I'm focusing on sharing the lessons that are coming from an otherwise devastating day.
Intentional Thanks
This has been a year of perspective and one in which I find it incredibly important to give thanks to the pivotal people, places, and moments along the way. Yes, even the ones we'd sometimes rather forget; though their thanks may be an internal acknowledgment of the strength they helped you find.
Find Happiness
What came next was so insanely minor, but was the straw that broke the camels back. I sent Lee a follow up email thanking him for such great conversation. His response was simple; Find Happiness. The tears immediately came because I knew it was time to return to a life I enjoyed living, not one I was constantly running from.
It Takes a Team
13 years of soccer may have taught me more than most other times in life. It takes a team. Everyone has their role, but if we don’t work together it’s going to fall apart. Shared wins, while recognizing our individual contributions.
Reflections of the Lake
2020 has been a beast. We closed out lake season last weekend and I was flooded with a series of thoughts that never used to come. But I reminded myself that ✨I’ve given up creating imaginative narratives that serve nothing but anxiety. ✨
Perspective from Presence
Quarantine brought me back to the present. It put everything in perspective. It brought to light the true priorities.
If there is one incredible thing to come out of 2020 it’s going to be the perspective. The way priorities are set. The notion of what really matters. The beauty in the present moment {yes, even the ugly ones}.
How do you fold a fitted sheet?
How can you best manage the fitted sheet?
Just fold it.
Quit focusing on matching the corners the exact way someone else has. It may be their best way, but it might not be yours.
Back to School Vibes
I have been in awe of k-12 educators over the last week as I’ve lead and sat in on multi district {virtual} professional development sessions.
Finding Momentum through Rest
Life will always be busy and throw curveballs. Some more familiar than others, but all of them will likely test you before you recognize the lesson in it.
I Got Back Up and Tried Again.
I fell down. A lot. But I got back up and tried again. And again. And again. My wrists hurt. I sprained one. Almost put a hole in a wall. Kicked a tree while practicing outside. But I needed to tackle a new skill to remember that we can do hard things.
I’m a Better Mom When I Work
This {really long, wordy} blog is serving solely as a memory for the day I am sad I have to rush out the door to work, can't make the kids pancakes because I have to drop them off early to latchkey/school, and feel guilt for not being at the bus stop every day to greet them.
Easing Anxiety with Social Solitude
Anxiety is like a blurry tunnel where all you can see is what you hope is a way out. What does anxiety look or feel like? It can vary from person to people, but for me it’s several things. Raw, real, transparency into life with anxiety.
Relax! Nothing is Under Control
As the tears came so did the clarity. It didn’t stop the tears, but those went from sadness to the release of control. I was tired of being sad/frustrated/worried, while always trying to be strong. I needed to feel the feelings as I always encourage others to do.
Rejection is Worth Taking Risks
Note to self: feeling like you're getting hit with a lot of rejections only means you're taking that scary leap in putting yourself out there.
It's the same concept as failing forward. Or going for no. No is the answer; yes is the destination.