How do you fold a fitted sheet?

“I have watched so many tutorials on how to fold a fitted sheet and I still can’t get it right.”

A  casual weekend conversation has left my wheels spinning. In a society where you have immediate access to answers, tips, and thought leaders, people seem to have forgotten the value of their own experience.


Maybe it’s my Enneagram 3 “Achiever” label, but sometimes I think people get completely blocked from success because they get hung up on the process. There is never one way. There might be ways that have worked in similar scenarios, so use that as guidance if you’d like. But if it doesn’t work, call that your next big opportunity. This is now your chance to be a trailblazer. Pivot and proceed because there is always a way to succeed.

Individuals frequently believe the way they see or hear is the “right way” to do something. Somehow, the most visible method it has become assumed to be the best {enter the complete disregard for acknowledgement of marketing, financial backing, celebrity clout, etc}.

As Tony Robbins has said, “People are rewarded in public for what they've practice for years in private.” Success is not achieved overnight. It is developed through series of trials and errors. Yet somehow that is often overlooked by society. Therefore, people spend their time looking for the answer, trying to replicate success, often frustrated that they aren’t able to live up to someone else’s model. All the while they could have designed their own system. We cannot forget that this moment in time is unique enough to earn its own solution.

Measuring success is incredibly subjective. Will a specific fold be of value when selling a fitted sheet? I do not doubt it. Yet my experience with the fitted sheet is from the consumer side. The value is found in the intended use. When you think about your time, are you focusing on what will bring you the most return on your unique investment?

Laundry is the beast I hate to face. However, I have found that by doing it in a way that works for me I am more inclined to get it done. Instead of spending time focusing on how others are “folding the sheet”, think about the ways you’ve successfully done something similar.

·      How can you use an experience to coach up others?

·      How can your words and actions instill confidence in the inquiry process?

·      How will you encourage exploration to those that typically rely on explicit guidelines?

·      How can you foster curiosity and creativity so that other people feel safe and empowered to incorporate their ideas in a model toward success?

Leaders are guides who share their story while helping you write your own.

How can you best manage the fitted sheet?

Just fold it.

Quit focusing on matching the corners the exact way someone else has. It may be their best way, but it might not be yours. 

The definition of a successful fold completely changes when you are no longer trying to match someone else’s.


Perspective from Presence


Back to School Vibes