One Spark Stories brings conversations with innovators, creators, and unsuspecting risk takers. They share about navigating highs and lows, laughter and tears, and how sometimes all it takes is one *spark* of inspiration to find your way to happiness
One Spark Stories Podcast

Mental Fitness, Masculinity, Plant Medicine, and Pressing Forward - Neal Conlon
This episode is taking on three things we have yet to tackle on this show; Mental Fitness + Masculinity + Plant Medicine. Neal Conlon is joining to share about his journey from Marine veteran to corporate to startups and cyber security technology to what he is calling his own personal development reset.

Mastering the Mental Part of the Game
Lauren Ammon specializes in working with student-athletes to master the mental part of the game. Her company, Performance Reimagined, exists to show athletes there is an outlet to be heard, seen, and supported mentally and emotionally at the same level they are physically.

Finding Purpose through Fertility Challenges, Profound Loss, and Clean Beauty
After years of navigating ongoing challenges with fertility Katie Klei finally reached the day her daughter arrived. Yet in all that joy she was surrounded by incredible loss. It was then that she decided to take a leap into an opportunity that she had been turning away from three and a half years.

The Sidetracked Parent: Navigating Rare Disease Parenting
While neonatal diabetes is rare and occurs in about 1 in every 400,000 live births in the United States, it is usually seen as a random genetic mutation. The Vacchio family somehow beat the random odds by welcoming their two incredible children into this world with the diagnosis. They may be considered rare, but they aren’t alone.

Ignore the Imposter and Start Celebrating You
Part 3 of the Connect Create Celebrate series takes a look at the mental beast of imposter syndrome and the five ways I have found help overcome that limiting noise.

Create Opportunities that Bring Your Joy
During this episode I share ways that I have been able to create with purpose and live with joy. Stop thinking you need all the things, all the experts, and all the tools. Start reflecting on what brings YOU joy and start creating in alignment with that.

Connect with Purpose to Let Your Power Shine
When you connect with purpose you're aligning yourself with people that are doing the things that are going the direction that you want to go. And there is a lot of power that comes from that level of intention. People are a lot happier to help than we tend to expect.

Show Up Positive and Ignite Your Extraordinary
Rita and I have an abundance of mutual passions including things like psychology, Language and using the word ignite. This was a great conversation where we worked through her story and how she is bringing impact to organizations today.

Nudging Technical People to Embrace their Human Skills
Emily Nichols nudges technical people to embrace their human skills, so they can become better problem solvers, team players, and leaders. A professional engineer - seriously, she has a BS in Systems Engineering and a MAS in chemical engineering - with more than 15 years of experience in manufacturing and innovation, improving products and processes from breakfast cereal to automotive paint and electrical steel. Emily easily connects at all levels of organizations, inspiring deeper understanding, and collaborative teamwork.

Financial Abundance for Visionary Entrepreneurs
"We have to get out of a place of trading time and money."
Hannah Chapman is the founder of X2 Wealth Planning and is my Financial Advisor. She has over 16 years of experience in finance…but she is not your typical financial advisor. She grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, learning that we each have the ability and responsibility to create our own wealth story, while she was also learning from her parent’s businesses that money is hard to make and hard to hold on to.

Quitting, Getting Fired, and Finding Purpose in Your Career
Over the last 25+ years, Nate has switched careers over seven times and knows the frustration many people can have in not finding purpose in their careers. Today he helps students of all ages as well as early and late-career professionals better identify "What they SHOULD do for a living."

Management, Motherhood, and the Magic of Disney - Valerie Cockerell
Today we welcome a woman that knows how to manage like a mother… and in the most magical way. Valerie Cockerell was a leader in retail and merchandising throughout the Disney Company and as well as working within Disney institute. She is now a partner at Cockerell Consulting with her husband, and previous guest, Dan Cockerell.

Stand Out with Unshakeable Confidence - Karen Laos
Karen Laos shares her journey from corporate life to empowering keynotes. She has made an incredible transformation as she has carved her own path as a keynote speaker and leadership coach equipping women to stand out with unshakable confidence. She specializes in communication, executive presence, and compelling messages.

Pitfalls and Pixie Dust of Podcasting - Live Recording with Cassie Tucker & Rita Richa
In this special episode you get to hear three women talk about how podcasting has impacted their entrepreneur journey.

It’s Okay to Be a Kid Again
From Custodial Host to National Director, listen to the latest episode of One Spark Stories podcast to hear Nick Wagner, National Director of Programs for A Kid Again, share about his magical journey to non-profits and the emotional ride of adoption.

Magical Lessons from the Wisdom of Walt
Dr. Jeffrey A. Barnes is a bestselling author & captivating keynote speaker that engages audiences with lessons learned from Walt Disney.

Embrace the Power in the Pause - Mark Wells
Mark takes us through an emotional journey sharing how his faith is what has guided his career and that his Appalachian roots are a marker of lineage, but not a limit to opportunity. Whether you are a person of faith or not, this conversation will show you the impact that comes from embracing that spark, be it from a higher power, the universe, or your grandma, and using that as the catalyst that guides your purpose driven journey.

Innovation and Liberation in Education - Dr. William Sprankles
Dr. William Sprankles is Assistant Superintendent of Innovative Teaching and Learning at Butler Tech. Butler Tech has always been an organization that embraced innovation and educational change for the betterment of Career Tech and Public Education, but they have made significant shifts in the last five years thanks to high impact creatives like William and the Butler Tech leadership team. They don’t just talk about their visions for what could be; they take action and allow students to take part in their future by creating what it will be.

Using Humor to Manage Humans - Andrew Tarvin
Over his 10+ year career as the CEO of Humor That Works, Andrew Tarvin has helped people use humor to be more effective. He has been a part of more than 500 events for more than 70,000 people in all 50 states, 50-plus countries, 6 continents, and 1 planet (Earth).
He has three books, including the best-seller Humor That Works: The Missing Skill for Success and Happiness at Work and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and FastCompany. In addition to his TedX talk being viewed more than 12 million times, he has performed in more than 1,000 shows all around the world, has appeared on VH1, WSJ Live

From Rejection to Bestseller - Katie Currens
What can we learn from the magical mouse who does a good job helping all employees align with its deeper company "why"?
This week the tables turn as I, Katie Currens, share a bit about the journey to become a published author with Leadership Fusion -- after getting an extra spark to go for it when I was told I didn't have enough credibility to contribute since I hadn't been formally published before (despite having an extensive background and certification in the subject).