Mindset, Purpose One Spark Solutions Mindset, Purpose One Spark Solutions

Some Truths are Lies

There are a number of common "truths" I'm hearing more people confidently recognize and remove as they lean into innovation. The biggest barriers to innovation are the things we were once told or taught. Even the most well intended statement gets twisted from a momentary norm to a lasting truth. Here are 10 common “truths” we often hear.

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Business One Spark Solutions Business One Spark Solutions

Turn Negativity into Opportunity

Stop letting the negativity and doubts of others bring you to tears and instead start getting giddy with excitement!

Let someone else’s negativity become your opportunity. Clearly if they have a problem then there must be a solution, right?

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Entrepreneur, Business, Leadership One Spark Solutions Entrepreneur, Business, Leadership One Spark Solutions

Engaging Virtual Accountability

Virtual learning has taken off, and it's not as impersonal as often assumed. Facilitating high impact conversations and engaging accountability methods has been a blast as people realize that maybe it’s not so scary behind the screen.

Enjoy my latest article and let me know your thoughts and experiences with virtual learning sessions.

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