The Power of “Un”.

katie sitting by a lake at sunset

There is so much power in "un".
Unlearning. Unleashing. Underestimated.

All words I have come to embrace, yet the 'un' that we need more of in this world is "understanding".

✨Understanding that one journey is not indicative of another.

✨Understanding that some of the biggest smiles come from the most lost souls.

✨Understanding that words have power, especially the ones with the snarky zing.

✨Understanding that the most beautiful thing about this thing called life is the unique perspectives we all bring to the table.

✨Understanding that it is always good to ask *genuine* questions to explore your curiosity, be it about a person, place, experience, opportunity, etc

✨Understanding that when you assume a jab is funny, it may hit someone far deeper than you know. Humor and comedy are incredibly important. Personal attacks out of ones on insecurity are not.

✨Understanding that sometimes assumptions really do make an ass out of you.

This week has served a big reminder that as much as we think we know, we may also never fully understand. But you can certainly try to.

Ask more questions.
Ask better questions.
Ask with authentic interest.

And above all, be kind. 💖


Power of Appreciation


Create Until You Can’t