Focus On the Small Stuff
How many ideas have you had that got you so ridiculously excited, then as soon as you started to pursue it you stopped. You caught your breath and thought, “holy s%it. What am I doing?” You became overwhelmed by the time and financial investment, as well as the reality of not everyone finding your idea nearly as groovy as you do.
No matter how much you believe in something it doesn’t take much to become swamped with negative thoughts and feelings as you try to share the message. I’m an eternal dreamer. The amount of ideas that come to my mind on a daily basis is honestly probably not healthy. I say that solely because I allow myself to constantly be thinking of what’s next instead of what’s right in front of me. However, I have also learned that if I start to home in on who I am and what I believe in, it makes the dreams worth pursuing much less daunting.
As we seek out personal or professional growth do not allow yourself to so quickly dismiss your vision. It will be overwhelming. There are going to be days you have lost almost all motivation. People will think you are ridiculous {I’m starting to think Ridiculous is my new nickname}. You will fail at things.
But none of those doubts, struggles, or perceived failures make *you* a failure. In fact, all of those experiences bring you to your greatest opportunity. You just found your most successful failure.
Narrow your scope. Dream big, but zone in. Tackle bits at a time and as you hit small successes the momentum will grow. Never dismiss the other big dreams, but give yourself some grace. The pursuit of success should not be led with stress.
Big hugs, friends. Now go out and do big things.