Creating a bridge between childlike wonder and adult aspirations.

Meet Katie

One of the worst feelings is realizing the passion you once had has gone away. Habits, assumptions, and fears have taken over. You’ve been taught trained and told what to do to the point you no longer let your unique spark shine.

There is good news though: Just because it feels that way, doesn’t mean it always has to.

I help people bridge their childlike wonder with their adult aspirations. When people work with me they discover how to reignite their curiosity, confidently ask the right questions, and identify barriers that need unlearned.

Looking to reconnect with your unique purpose? Let me help you learn how to create a path to happiness through imagination, innovation, and a whole lot of fun.

Sparking Impact

Writing, Speaking, Facilitating, oh my!

Don’t underestimate what Katie can do.

Lee Cockerell / Retired Executive VP of Walt Disney World Resort

Katie has the ability to make everyone in the room feel seen, heard, and valued.

Pink colored quotation marks

Cassie Tucker / Host of Marketing Happy Hour

My friends think she’s cool, which is pretty annoying. But to be honest, she kind of is.

Pink colored quotation marks

JJ Currens / Katie’s Son

Purpose Ignited through Wonder and Imagination

Listen to the Podcasts

Hear Katie’s passion for purpose as the host of One Spark Stories Podcast and World at Work with Tim Dyck.

Follow Along As I Embrace the Spark of Life


Innovation + Action

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